Dragonfly Property Management, LLC is a Huntsville-based company focused on providing affordable homes for families that are looking to rent a home for a short period while in transition or for the longer termĀ as may meet their needs. We believe that everyone deserves a good quality of living; especially when it comes to the place they call home.

We provide clean, sound homes at affordable rents with a pledge to our tenants to keep our managed properties in as well maintained a condition throughout the life of theĀ lease as when they first moved in. All we ask in return is for our tenants to do their part in keeping the properties clean, to notify us promptly of any maintenance issues, and to maintain a good payment history.

We are always looking for good houses to buy to north Alabama, particularly in Madison County–houses that our team can invest in, renovate, improve the value of the surrounding neighborhood, and create additional affordable homes to rent.

Investing in houses … providing an affordable home for you.